The prosecutor's office not only has duties and authority in the criminal field, but also has other duties and authority, namely in the civil and state administration fields. Article 30 paragraph (2) of Law Number 16 of 2004 concerning the Prosecutor's Office explains the role of the Prosecutor in the civil and state administration fields. State Attorney is a prosecutor with special powers,…
This research is motivated by the increasing development of crimes in Indonesia, one of which is stealing. Theft is a criminal offense that is rampant in everyday life. This Memorandum of Law discusses the crime of theft committed by X who is an employee of the Company. The essence of the case is that X is suspected of committing theft, but the stolen goods are stored in a locker and are st…
In the business world, an invoice, also known as an invoice, is an official financial document issued by a seller to a buyer as proof of purchase of goods and services. Invoices, as a tool for recording business transactions and creating payment obligations, have a central role in ensuring clarity and integrity in every transaction. However, unfortunately, the practice of changing invoices …
Land redistribution is one of a series of activities carried out by the government in order to distribute and/or grant land rights to people who are entitled to receive them in accordance with applicable regulations in order to create prosperity for all Indonesian people. In implementing the redistribution of state land former HGU Perkebunan Bojongsari CV. In Sindang Jaya, there are several…
Children in orphanages are vulnerable to violence. It is important to note that children living in orphanages also have the same right to legal protection as stipulated in Article 58 of Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights. 6 Based on this, the researchers found three problems, namely (1) What forms of violence were carried out by the administrators of the Budi Pertiwi Orphana…
The number of cases of sexual violence that is currently occurring is getting higher and more extreme. It occurs due to the inability to handle the case. The researcher used a normative juridical research method with a qualitative juridical approach; namely, the obtained data was analyzed using a legal theory approach, legal principles, and a statutory approach. She conducted library resear…
The winner of the auction has the right to transfer land rights and control the object of mortgage rights based on the auction minutes issued by the State Property and Auction Services Office (KPKNL). However, in this research, the auction winner did not obtain his rights because the object was still controlled by the debtor. In this research questions. 1) What is the responsibility of the …
Marriage agreements are generally often referred to as prenuptial agreements. But the meaning of each of these agreements is actually different. A prenuptial agreement is an agreement held by the two prospective brides before the marriage takes place. But in the language of law or law, what is often used is a marriage agreement, not a pre-marriage agreement. In the implementation of the co…
Recent legal regulations on corrections include the protection of the rights of mothers and children, particularly in the context of the detention of women as prisoners, taking into account the special needs, especially regarding children who are still in the womb. This provision is explained in Article 1 paragraph 1 and 2 of Law No. 35 of 2014. The protection of the rights of mothers and …
Drug trafficking is very rapid in Indonesia, whose users are both from the lower classes of society with low economic income and the upper class whose economic income is already lucrative. Drugs are drugs that are needed by humans, for scientific purposes such as medical purposes whose use is according to the dosage, but if the use and utilization are not in accordance with the portion and…
The Agrarian Reform Program is one of the important efforts in improving the welfare of rural communities, especially in terms of land ownership. In Patimban Village, Subang Regency, the implementation of the agrarian reform program, especially the Land for Agrarian Reform Objects (TORA) Program related to arising land, is a major concern. This research aims to analyze the certainty of land…
Death will definitely be experienced by every human being, the legal consequences that arise from death, one of which concerns the issue of managing the continuity of rights and obligations of heirs. In this case, the division of inheritance often causes problems between one heir and another. In the case examined by researchers that illegitimate children receive the same share of inheritan…
Marriage is a spiritual and physical bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy and eternal family (household) based on the Almighty Godhead. The legal consequences for marriages that do not have a marriage certificate are that legally the husband or wife and any children born cannot take civil legal action relating to their household. Regarding chil…
Discriminatory treatment, slavery and exploitation of the weak are becoming problems, especially due to the increasing economic needs. TPPO as a special criminal act is an organized crime with the aim of exploitation. Setiawan’s case is about the impact of labor exploitation at Company X. This Legal Memorandum will discuss the qualification of acts of labor exploitation by a palm oil compa…
An unlawful act is an unlawful act committed by someone that causes harm to another person. One of the problems that occurs is that there is an unlawful act in the debt and receivables agreement by pledging someone else's title certificate without the owner's consent. The aim of this research is to find out, study and analyze the occurrence of unlawful acts in debt and receivable agreements…
Customary land is owned by indigenous community groups and is not owned by individuals. Customary land is owned by Customary Law community groups, not individuals. The polemic that emerged included, among other things, a dispute over ownership of customary land regarding overlapping land objects occurred in Sungai Beremas Nagari Air Bangis, West Pesaman Regency, West Sumatra. The aim of th…
A will is defined as a gift from one person to another person in kind, and a claim that must be received by the beneficiary from the testator after the testator dies. A stepchild is the child of a husband or wife from a marriage to a previous wife or husband. In Islamic inheritance, stepchildren are only related by blood to their biological father and mother, not to their father or stepmoth…
A blank check is a check for which there are no funds or insufficient funds. So, this check is less than the amount of funds available. Based on several jurisprudence, the use of blank checks is a criminal act that violates Article 378 of the Criminal Code. Issuance of blank checks by the director of PT. A as payment to PT. B to get the next delivery order in accordance with the sugar sale …
Produk merek “Lem G” didaftarkan oleh dua pelaku usaha dengan nomer sertifikat yang berbeda. Keduanya mempunyai persamaan pada pokoknya atau keseluruhan. Sehubungan dengan adanya dua merek terdaftar, maka salah satunya harus dibatalkan. Sebagaimana disyaratkan di dalam Pasal 20 dan Pasal 21 Undang- Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2016 tentang Merek dan Indikasi Geografis. Diajukan identifikasi m…
Electricity is indirectly one of the basic needs of society for daily activities such as using lamps for lighting, using computers for work, and even for industry. However, there is one problem in terms of electricity, this problem is that many people cheat by stealing electricity to get electricity at cheap or even uncountable costs, such as by connecting electricity to other consumers, th…
Restructuring due to an earthquake is a remedial effort carried out for debtors when there is difficulty in paying due to an earthquake. The problems that occur are caused by debtors carrying out restructuring by paying installments on time, but debtors defaulting on installments and fines are always there. The debtor makes installment payments irregularly or not on time as agreed. So Adira…
Salah satu kejahatan yang sering dilakukan oleh debitur adalah pengalihan objek jaminan fidusia tanpa persetujuan atau pemberitahuan kepada pihak Kreditur sehingga menyulitkan Kreditur untuk melakukan eksekusi jaminan fidusia. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut maka peneliti menemukan tiga permasalahan, yakni kualifikasi tindak pidana perbuatan menjual motor objek fidusia oleh Debitur tanpa sepen…